Personal Growth

Are you saying Yes or No to being the best version of you?

Do you wake up on certain days and wonder why it all seems so hard? I know I do…. Sometimes the thought of getting to where I know I want to head next just feels a little bit too big or too difficult to implement! Especially when I am taking a leap into the next stage in my work or my life’s journey.

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How High are Your Hopes in 2016?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to flow through life achieving their dreams steadily, almost effortlessly, while for others it always seems like things just don’t end up the way they planned it? Many of us start the year after a nice period of reflection and come back ready with fresh energy and…

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Fear – your biggest adversary

As I continue to learn to overcome my own personal challenges over the course of my ever-changing life there is one powerful element that always has the potential to hold me back from being the best ‘me’ I can be. It is FEAR.

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Nurses just ‘know’ what to do

After the passing of my step father I experienced first hand what so many family members have expressed to me after their loved ones slip away. A sense of gratitude and praise for all the efforts made by the nursing staff who ensured that their relatives passing was pain free, peaceful and dignified. In all…

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Feeling battered by the elements of life?

Do you feel pushed, pulled and stretched at times – just like this tree? Are you noticing you  are barely holding on after a busy day, week month or year? As I was taking my morning walk along the beach I realised for many of us this existence has become our reality – so much…

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It only takes 1 minute to practise self-care on the job

Practising self-care is non-negotiable! After working as an RN in both Acute and Aged Care settings I am well aware of the pressures of being time poor and overly focused on the list of tasks ahead of me. I now see that part of my responsibility as a leader working in a facility, is to…

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5 tips for Managing Overwhelm

Welcome to Jane Robotham’s Blog – a place where the journey towards finding wellness can be shared and explored by reviewing aspects of our daily life experiences as they occur. By reading others insights we find that we are not alone, and that we all, at times struggle to maintain balance and ease. Here you…

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