Feel like you are on a roundabout? Setting goals for 2015

New Years Day for me and the days leading up to it have always been a time for reflection. I like to acknowledge what I have achieved this year as well as note what areas of my life need improving in order for me to achieve my goals moving forward.

I have since realised after learning the fundamentals of the Siramarti Process that the previous annual ritual I used to apply to New Years Day was really quite  flawed. I gave a lot of energy towards gaining clarity around my new goals and  writing them down. But now I can see that the day-to-day process of how I achieved these things wasn’t part of the plan.

What I can now see that was missing is learning how to focus on what’s holding me back as well what I want to achieve.  I have had to learn to look at the many moments that make up my day as either moving me closer to the bigger picture goals or further away. Instead of focusing too much on the end result, I focus on small daily steps that in the long run support my ability to acheive bigger goals.

When I become conscious of the many choices I make day-to-day and I can see how they impact on my ability to achieve long term goals and I am in a position to make better choices. I now no longer like to see other people who achieve their goals as better off, brighter or more competent than myself. I see that they have mastered a way of being decisive and disciplined when working on aspects of themselves that hold them back. I believe that we all have the same potential if we choose to face aspects of ourselves that no longer serve us. It takes commitment and courage to face the fact that we are inevitably our biggest roadblock, not our colleagues, spouse, parents, children, situation or otherwise.

Instead of feeling filled with good intentions this New Year only to find that after a few weeks the roundabout of life has drawn you back into it’s vortex you might like to consider setting your goals with a fresh new approach.

5 tips for setting goals this New Year

1. Weeding: Identify what’s no longer contributing to your highest good in life is the first step. Write the things down that in the long run you would like to improve. Only pick one of these goals to work on for a period of several weeks. Attempting to change lots of things at once is very difficult! So, for example, let’s say it is important for me ensure I get enough ‘me’ time each day in order to maintain my passion, focus clarity within my daily work.

2. Gathering: Write a list of all the possible activities that relate to achieving this goal. These are the seeds for making my goal a reality. For example, walking, Nia dance and meditation cost very little plus I already know I like doing these things. It is vital that when choosing activities that you enjoy doing them otherwise you will struggle to commit regularly to them. Always put pen to paper and write down how you intend to include these activities in your daily routine. Be realistic and don’t bite off more than you can chew in the early stages.

3. Fertilising: Focus on small ways you can contribute to making your goal happen each day. In order to create space and time for these activities you will need to re-prioritise other things. Being aware of your choices from the moment you get up int the morning and constantly reviewing how they relate to your goal is necessary. Keep your goal close to your heart and give yourself the space and time you need to achieve it.

4. Doing: Give things a try as per your plan. Notice how you feel when you are doing the activity and also afterwards. Quite often I don’t want to get up and go for a walk, but 9 times out of 10 I am so elated after I come back that I wonder why I feel so resistant in the first place. Remember to soak up how good you feel as this will strengthen your will to continue. If you don’t feel like doing it then note this as well. Why is this so? Maybe your goal needs reviewing?

5.Reflecting: Be honest in your review of the process. Set aside a couple of minutes at the end of each day to reflect and write down what got in the way of being productive in line with your goal. Consider what you may need to address to make it happen next time. Be open to change and alter the plan accordingly as you discover what works and what doesn’t. Be kind to yourself as habits are hard to break and being prepared to try different ways is often necessary.